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We have a small church and we have numerous ways to participate and get involved.  We believe we have something for everyone and we hope you will plug into a few of our ministries.  



Doby's Bridge Presbyterian is a church that prays.  Our extensive prayer chain is faithful to lift up all of the concerns and praises brought to their attention. If you have a prayer concern or a praise you can have it added to the prayer chain just click here and send us an email and Mrs. Carolyn will add your request.



Donna McMillan is our Music Director. She has passion for music and it shows through the special music she leads the choir in each Sunday.  Our choir is wonderful and they are a huge blessing to our congregation.  Choir rehersal is on Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM.

Sunday School


Sunday school is at 10AM each Sunday morning following a brief gathering in the fellowship hall.  Refreshments are provided along with a healthy dose of hugs and laughs.

Class                           Leaders

Adult Class                    Bob Ford

Middle/High School        Rev. Steve Austin

Elementary School         Sis Silvers

We could always use some help with the youth Sunday school classes so if you feel led and are willing to serve please contact Rev. Austin.



Our Youth Fellowship meets each week with a variety of onsite and off site activities.  Operation Christmas Child is a ministry close to our heart.  Our youth group is made of of kids in middle school and high school, grades 6-12.

Second Sunday


The entire congregation gathers for a pot luck lunch every second Sunday. Our congregation is a close knit group of people who feel as though we are all part of one extended family.  We believe in staying well connected and spending time together and what better way than through sharing a meal. Our congregation has some excellent cooks and we would love for you to join us on a 2nd Sunday and taste some of our favorites and visit with our congregation.

Women's Circle


The Women's Circle provides a Christ centered fellowship for the women of the church.  They Myra Bryant Women's Circle meets for fellowship once a month for Bible Study, service projects and mutual encouragement.

Local Missions


The DBPC congregation participates in many local missions that include: Habitat for Humanity, Fort Mill Food Pantry, Angel Tree and providing shoes for kids in need.  If you have ideas for other areas of ministry please share them with the missions committee.

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